PicturePhoto Credit: duckcommander.com
It is interesting watching, reading and listening to all the fervor surrounding Phil Robertson and A&E.  The aged redneck said something less than flattering about gays and the GLAAD community went high and to the right… or left shall we say.  A&E, an extreme leftist, over the top, pro-gay network, then indefinitely suspended the Robertson family patriarch for openly expressing his opinion that homosexuality was a sin.  This, perceived as a gross constitutional violation of 1st Amendment rights, caused conservatives to circle their wagons in defense of Robertson. Think Progress, a progressive website, published an article further stating that Robertson not only hates gays but also, is an avid racist who feels Blacks were better off before Jim Crowe Laws.  Interesting.

Okay, before we get too deeply into this, I must confess that I am partial to rednecks – to say that, “some of my best friends are rednecks,” would be a gross understatement.  Of course growing up as a youth in the poor, Black, northern inner city, I was taught that rednecks were almost a different species altogether.  They were a bizarre and racist people that hated all things beyond that of their own.  It is the way this new Modern Liberalism works – it preys upon ignorance.  Chances were that I would never evolve beyond that of the street life I was born into, let alone run into a redneck in order to be able to make any self-determinations.  And so, it was to be.

A few novella sized chapters of my life ago I joined the Navy and was shell shocked by the types of different people I met during training, but the true awakening came when I was sent to Millington, TN.  There is where I had my first true redneck encounter with a young man named Allan Stuart from Tyler, TX. (If memory serves me correctly.)  You must remember that at this time Allan and I both were only months removed from our homes.  I still had far more Philly street in me than I did military bearing and Allan was far more country than he was a Sailor.  Shortly after check-in, which was befouled by my own “misconduct,” I was assigned to watch on the Naval Hospital’s Information Desk.  There, I was teamed with a young, skinny kid whose accent was so strong I thought he was speaking a different language.  (For those of you who know him, yes, Allan was skinny once upon a time). 

Allan’s personality is larger than life and he was quick to share stories of his youth in a colloquial dialogue of idioms that could rival that of Samuel Clemens himself.  Conversations at first were difficult, not only was his accent thick, I had yet to be exposed to true southern lingo.  I could barely understand a word he said often interrupting with untimely, “huhs?” and “whats?” Of the first stories he shared was when he once took his father’s bullwhip and was heading off to play with it.  My liberal oriented mind quickly made a predetermination of where he was going with this story.  As it turned out, I was wrong.  His father caught him running off with the bullwhip and stopped him.  “Give that too me Allan.”  His father said before directing him to run across the yard.  No sooner than Allan hit full speed, a lesson teaching lightning bolt and thunderous crack ripped into his back.  His father, to teach him a firsthand a lesson about what the bullwhip actually represented, gave him a little taste.  And so, the stories continued to flow between the two of us for years to come.  Though worlds apart, and perhaps in the minds of most, an unlikely duo, especially in the Memphis area of TN, we found more similarities than differences in not only how we were raised, but also who we were as individuals and a true unbreakable friendship was born.  We would both leave Millington and go our separate ways to pursue different military opportunities. When I arrived in Yuma, what was to be my final duty station, I was recognized by Allan’s wife; even though I had never met her… or knew she even existed for that matter.  A friendship forced apart by military needs had endured a career’s worth of separation.  Allan had not changed.  Still bigger than life, deceivingly smart, rudely determined, hyper opinionated, highly driven, brutally honest and still his own person in spite of a liberal world that was determined to prejudge him and his type of people – Allan was still the same Allan I had met so many years earlier.  Now adult sized, but still enjoying a bizarre sense of individuality that allowed him to drive up to morning PT in a canary yellow Mustang GT blasting old school Chaka Khan and talking in Stu’s unmistakable southern drawl.  You cannot help but to love him once you meet him.  Allan, though a redneck in his own definition, yields but one accurate marker of what most think a redneck is; his accent - that while being most obvious, was least defining.

Nothing about Allen was or is how a redneck was described to be in the uber-liberal Philadelphian inner city.  Liberalism and its soft racisms of predetermination feed and perpetuate themselves vested largely on the stubborn ignorance of devout followers.  Chances were that I would have never made it off the streets and come to know the likes of Allan and so many others like him.  Had this been the case and I remained confined to the self-limiting liberal la la land, today I would likely take the words of Phil Robertson and based them on the misconceptions that liberalism deliberately ascribed to me.  What was omitted from those early conversations was the sometimes brutal honesty, loyalty and sense of faith driven integrity many people possess – some of which happen to be rednecks.

 Little different, I would later learn, than southern Blacks whose faith derived influences live on in even the most secular on northern inner city families were these so called rednecks.  While Allan I were quite different demographically, we were far more similar in terms of value systems.  Separated again by the changing tides of life, if I were to stumble across Allan today and he were down and out – without question he would be taken in and my home would be his.  As unlikely as we were said to be back in the day has little to do with who we, and people in general, actually are.  It is this loss of personal understanding coupled with a greater loss of our sense of humanity that contrives such predetermined and prejudicial disdain being levied against Robertson by GLAAD.

This is why I detest not the GLAAD agenda, but GLAAD’s methodologies.  What GLAAD now demands through such protests against the individual right to disagree, is that everyone embrace homosexuality.  Those who do not are now being attacked as GLAAD seeks to aggressively force their agenda of homosexual acceptance upon all people over the individual right to uphold their own personal beliefs.  The crime, to GLAAD, is simply to not support the homosexual community.  This overly aggressive position by GLAAD has forced them to continually misstep when seeking to persecute solely because someone within, or the gay community in general is not held in the highest of regard.   

In the “Stop the Hate, Free Kate” campaign, GLAAD sought to demonize all those who stood against Kate Hunt, a 17 year old high school teenager who was having sexual relations with a 14 year girl.  What GLAAD and the LGBT community advocates saw was a young gay person facing charges for “being gay,” but willfully overlooked her continued violations of court placed restraining orders and even tried to use politicians to legalize same sex relationships involving minors to circumvent statutory rape laws in the state of Florida. 

Continually we are told by GLAAD, its advocates and its moronic spokes people like Wilsin Cruz that conservatives “hate” and fail to possess constitutional understanding in ill-fated attempts to advance their own, and now clearly biased and even prejudicial, agenda.  Their recent attack on Chik-Fil-A not only resulted in record sales for the Christian oriented fast food chain, but GLAAD again tried to use leftist political entities to block Chik-Fil-A businesses from opening in areas that were controlled by liberals.  Yet, their insistence is that they, as liberals, support American freedoms and concepts of constitutionality – until someone disagrees with them that is.

The fact of the matter is gays wish to be accepted for being gay, which is fine.  The trouble arises when the community chooses to force their acceptance on all others and refusing to respect differing opinions even when those who choose to not support homosexuality wish no harm, nor act in a discriminatory manner against gays. 

Here is an interesting piece of trivia.  We as a nation, demand that immigrants seeking citizenship bear the responsibility to “Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.” It is a concept deeply vetted by the First Amendment’s protection of free speech and religious freedom.  Unfortunately, the most enshrouded Americans, American communities and American subcultures demand that their rights, beliefs and opinions be respected, but too often now, they refuse to bear the responsibility of respecting the same of others.  It is a dichotomy that the American progressive and liberal factions embrace to the highest and most absurd proportions.  Inasmuch, through their perverse sense of entitlement, GLAAD and many members of the otherwise rational LGBT community have taken giant steps backwards while only advancing the right to refute their belief system among those who tend to be impartial to their way of life, which is actually the majority of Americans.

When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
Lao Tzu
_ Political writing for a living is an unusual form of work.  One thing is for sure, you learn more about American political culture than you want to.  Over time, you find yourself struggling to maintain a balance between your own political alliances and what is right from a more objective perspective.  Your awareness of America’s plight under current political influences forces you to accept a reality the average American voter is free to deny the existence of.  All of a sudden, you’re alone in your understanding of a two party political machine hell bent on the destruction of America’s intent.

Over time, I have grown weary of the lies perpetrated by both the Right and Left as they seek to advance their collective agendas against the people. Lies both voters of the Right and Left accept as reality. Having grown up Liberal and now freely embracing Conservatism to actually vote with my personal values, all of this has brought me to my current place in time.  The time has come to stop allowing Republicans from so easily destroying Conservative interests.

"More or less, Conservatism, mothered by the Republican Party and Fathered by the Democrat Party, currently suffers an Oedipus complex in that Conservatives wish to destroy Democrats while they harbor a perverse attraction to the Republican political elite." - Paul Johnson

Proof and reason

Have you ever stopped to take a look at the Left versus Right and realized the arguments only exist because the Constitution has become an afterthought that is only used when a given side finds it convenient?  If we place the Constitution first, we would not have the volatile political atmosphere of today.  To me, this means BOTH Republicans and Democrats have duped the American voter into debating the semantics of an argument in order to force their prying eyes away from the only Document that has the power to FORCE government back into its LIMITED role over the people.  The Democrat versus Republican perspective actually LIMITS the perspectives of debate.  Us against them is what the voter thinks, but the American voter lacks the awareness to see the Democrat and Republican political elite are now essentially one in the same. Proof positive lies here.

It is here that I feel myself losing my grip on Conservatism as a political affiliation.  First of all, in more places than not, in order to vote “Conservative,” you must register Republican to do so – even though there are ever increasing disparities between the two.  My thinking at this point in time is that Conservatives are selling out their own personal and voting values to play second fiddle to a failing and highly distorted sense of Republicanism that rules the Right today.

Here’s how they do it

Rush Limbaugh was probably worse about it in 2010 than was anyone else.  If the Tea Party votes for such and such, he would rant, we will split the vote and the Democrats will win.  (And they will in turn advance the very same agenda against the people the Republicans sought to).  This has evolved into a new Republican mantra; “You have to look at the bigger picture.” the newly recruited, newly brain washed, once Conservative, newly pseudo-Republican schlepps now say.  They are saying; put your Conservative values aside so Mitt can slay Barak in the name of the honorable Republican Party!  And, in droves they are doing just that – placing their voting values aside so a Republican with NO CONSERVATIVE VALUES OR INTERESTS can AGAIN hold the Office of the President of the United States.

A proposal of lunacy 

It would be bad if Obama were reelected, we all know that.  But what we don’t know is what it will take for Americans to understand the need of more Conservatives influences in America.  Perhaps eight years of assaults on the Constitution by this man will be enough to make Americans appreciate the Constitution and its intent to LIMIT GOVERNMENT.  Perhaps it will take even more threats against personal freedom for the people to call upon the Constitutional Articles and a certain Declaration to return America to the people she ascribed a responsibility of protection.  Perhaps what the American voter needs is a true wake-up call to understand the threat their growing government actually represents to them.  Obama may well be the man to bring it to them given enough time.

From Conservative to Mindless Minion

It is tiresome watching once Conservative voters falling in line like mindless minions (#mindlessminions) to a higher Republican order touting the likes of a presidential candidate that is a direct expression of their very protests against the Republican Party.  And to think they have the nerve say, “You have to look at the bigger picture.”  A bigger picture of no Obama and no Conservative values, but all they will admit to is the former, their conscious’ refuse to allow them to address the latter.  Sell outs have a hard time acknowledging certain things you know; no matter how obvious they are.

But I digress.  The fact of the matter is that many Conservatives lack to courage to truly be Conservative.  First they flocked to Herman Cain who demonstrated more Republican values than he had interests in individual freedom.  Now they pull the Romney line so the Republicans can defeat Obama with a man who will be as much like Obama as Obama has been like Bush.  Just like Obama allowed Bush’s final budget to wreak havoc for four years, Romney will bury the fight against Obamacare.  He is after all, the practiced architect and prototype developer of Obamacare – the program the Right spent millions trying to stop.  More hypocritical than ironic when you stop and look at the history of the Republican fight FOR health insurance mandates.  He will, in the name of Republicans, continue to recklessly spend and Blame Obama for not passing a single budget since Bush.  Foolishly, Conservatives are yet again supporting the bane of their existence the likes of both the Republican Party and Romney as their selection for Free World Leader.

These so-called Conservatives say they like Romney’s business acumen.  I do too, but what does that have to do with being President?  Better yet, what will that matter when Americans lack the personal freedom to fully enjoy a better economy WHICH CANNOT BE DELIVERED TO THE PEOPLE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT in the first place?

But hey, I don’t “see the bigger picture.”

With the loss of the Conservative voice influencing American politics, Republicanism is allowed to freely expand government without the resistance of Conservatives whom have vested against their own values because they have been fooled into supporting the Republican norm over their own values EVERY ELECTION CYCLE.  When will Conservatives stop playing second fiddle to the lesser Republican?  When will Conservatives have the courage to stand up for their own values and have the faith in the values that guide their everyday lives and vote accordingly? 

While it is absurd to actually wish another four years of Obama on Americans to awaken them from their own world of lies, denial and apathy; the only element that can stop America’s downward spiral are the Conservative influences being currently being brain washed by the Right into supporting the least Conservative candidate in the field; next to Obama that is. 

Why is it that so few see this for what it is?

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @PJ43033, add me on my personal Facebook , or like my Facebook Fan Page.

I have to admit, it is good to be a work in progress; it allows you to be wrong from time to time as it grants the freedom to grow and learn through identifying inaccuracies in concepts, thoughts, ideologies, and predictions.  In this case, it was a conceptual inaccuracy about Herman Cain’s once fleeting and “marginal at best” support base.  His win in Florida, though followed by an almost immediate and abysmal defeat within the same polling group, was answered by a wave of support as Perry lost steam fueled by his more “mainline Republican” positions that are fouled and marred by a classically Republican dichotomy. 

This is not to say that if Perry were not being exposed for his questionable positions on illegal immigration, borders, and trade that Cain would not have surged.  In fact, as I look back, Cain was likely to surge with or without Perry’s history or debate strategies, which are “not [his] strong point.”  Cain is on fire; a game changer that is indicative of a very telling bifurcation in the Right.  While I still feel Cain is far too green to bear the burden of a nation in crisis, knowing the direst of Cain consequences will be felt not by me, but by my children – the man’s momentum is undeniable.  Either way, it is important to note that Cain and his 9-9-9 driven support represent an important divergence from the common and arguably inept GOP support structure as demonstrated by those on the Right still supporting the problems represented by “Republican” in candidates like Romney – the “Front-runner Farce.”   

Not one of those guys

Cain differs from the Romneys’ in that he stands against the traditional GOP standard that has set the wheels in motion for an essentially uni-dimensional candidate field designed solely against a train wreck of a President.  In doing so, the GOP candidates are starved on issues like foreign policy and have in turn (Romney) designed foreign policy proposals markedly similar to that of the Obama administration.  Republican supporters ONLY SEE no Obama and refuse to address how both Romney and Perry will advance policies that they today stand against.  Like I said, Cain is the “Easy the Choice” for the Republican voter weary of the current GOP direction, but not quite courageous enough to fully embrace the true Conservative values driven into existence in the 1960’s when it was determined the Republicans were actually part of the American problem.  Cain, well, he just is not one of those guys – and for that reason (among others) Cain supports are to be admired.  You can decide whether or not to admonish the ideologies behind Romney supporters for failing True Conservatism and remaining part of the antagonism destroying America.

One of the key support elements lies in the flat tax of the 9-9-9 plan.  Nine percent tax to be paid by every American.  A fair share paid by all.  The poor will say, that the 9% affects them more adversely than the rich.  The Left will declare it class warfare – personally, I like the flat tax as an economic adjustment tool that can serve to return equilibrium.  (If you do not know what I mean by that, look it up – no time to explain all the details now). 

Many will assuredly declare Cain “won” last night’s debates.  You don’t “win” debates!  All candidates do is present their ideas compared to current policy and that of other candidates in ways they think you want to hear it.  You either like what a person has to say, or you do not.  Over the string and series of debates, you then narrow down the candidate that best addresses your personal values and beliefs; clearly, no one “wins” – the media just uses that to sell candidates.  Look at it this way; how many times has Romney “won” a debate with horrid performances?  Not picking on Romney or his supporters, but we must understand he is saying what many Republicans wish to hear.  Trouble is, horrid is subjective.  What is awful for the Conservative is often grand to the Republican – that is how different we can be! 

Blackness; a rant

Unfortunately, Cain is now a matter of Blackness.  Well, not to us, but to the Left where race is the pinnacle issue.  To combat Cain Blackness, the Left sought to demonstrate Obama still maintains control of the Black vote – and I am sure he does.  What made this interesting is how the Left, through the media, concluded Obama is still (the one) supported by the Black vote.  To accomplish this, the Left turned to the most reputable polls.  The discovery was what one might expect; Obama support was rapidly waning in the one area they hoped would be steadiest – during the most challenging times, Obama’s Black support dropped an astronomical 50%!  Not thwarted by the truth, the Left sought out a poll that would show the most marginal loss of Black support.  They resorted to a poll that directly asked respondents to overlook Obama’s performance as President.  "General impressions of Obama rather than focus on the job he is doing as president" to be specific.  This ploy resulted in a 5% drop in support when compared to his Black support immediately following his election.  This of course failed for obvious reasons.  The US Presidency of today is about getting the damn job done.  Obama has been so bad, that in order to find support they must dismiss the single reason Obama is being polled – disgraceful. 

Following this failure, Team Obama ambassadored Team Sharpton to discuss whether or not Cain is Black enough for… being Black I guess – never mind the fact Obama is half White and half African (which equals zero percent Black as we currently understand Black to be).  In dissent, Cain said both the best and worst things imaginable on being Black in America.  If you are poor, it is your fault and if that was not both good and bad enough, he followed it with having “left the [Liberal] Plantation a long time ago.”  Moreover, he said the Black, as a victim, is doomed to an eternity of second-rate failure while wallowing in self-contempt and the continued disbelief in individual competence through truer equality. 

All of a sudden, it was as if Cain was speaking directly to me after reading some of my blogs.  Granted, Cain is not the Black Conservative Antithesis (yet), but he fundamentally understands the plight of the Black community driven by the irrational need to vote Democrat.  Cain is saying that Black support for Obama is essentially a self-fulfilled prophecy of Black failure.  He is correct, but the Black community is nowhere near ready to understand the depth of the implication, nor change their voting habits to match the values and conservative principles taught in the home.  In translation – Cain will never attain the Black vote preaching such concepts of contempt for Blacks who refuse to awaken to our own reality.  Oddly, the Black community, which shuns Cain, will highly benefit from Cain as they become less dependent upon the clearly oppressive Left.  Gotta love the multitude of ironies!

Speaking of Black; have you been keeping an eye Justice Thomas?  Big, bad is brewing with deep, far-reaching implications.

Hidden reservations

An interesting element exists in literally 100% of the Cain supporters I have talked with; a certain reservation is present with Cain that is in constant battle with his more likable attributes.  People like his willingness to learn.  I like that too, it is just that I reserve that as an admirable trait in subordinates where I can assure they develop appropriately.  If you wish to lead me, your learning curve requirement best be minimal!  As these reservations with Cain emerge, supporters almost immediately go into denial because they have been conditioned by a broken two party political machine to “settle.”  Supporters never use the word, but they describe its conditions quite well.

Whether it is his greenhorn role or other issues, Cain, like any other candidate has inherent shortcomings.  The more articulate citizen now understands how the Fed is contributing to the nation’s economic doldrums.  The Cain supporter not only understands this, but also opts to avoid Cain’s history with the Fed.  As the issue grows more critical, the Cain supporter now refuses to address his highly disputable Fed role model of the bubble blowing Greenspan.  Once upon a time, I thought Greenspan was an economic genius.  You have to understand that this was at a time when I was acquiring my Masters Degree and was attending Columbia – the Left leaning school highly supported several governmental economic programs now under Conservative scrutiny.  Self-education and the school of working to actually retire one day (soon) have taught me otherwise.  Calls to end the Fed and many other government organizations go largely unheard by not only Cain, but also the mainline candidates like Romney and Perry.  Clearly, Cain blends more into the Republican norm and becomes far less of an exception to the typical and now problematic political elite of the Right.  Conservatives, shun this and in doing so, look at bit deeper at what both separates and ties Cain to that so troublesome (R) behind his surname. 

Looking deeper reveals innate differences between Republicans and Conservatives.  Cain will not defend the individual liberties of the citizenry.  The reason for this is, like his supporters, he too has opted to “settle” in that the Patriot Act is 90% correct.  To the Republican, 10% represents a sort of acceptable and nominal dysfunction, whereas the Conservative views this as a potential showstopper because the said 10% wreaks havoc on individual liberty.  The difference is profound.  To the Republican, individual liberty is more of an afterthought of policy than it is the priority Conservative Libertarians endear it to be.  This is not a good or bad thing per se; it only highlights difference between the two.

Not ready for freedom

Truth be told, as much as Americans think they are ready to return to a state in which the Constitution becomes America’s priority, as a people, we demonstrate with no uncertainty we are fearful of being burdened with the level of personal accountability and responsibility required to maintain the freedoms bestowed by the Document.  Conservatives are demonstrating that America MUST return to its founding roots and in doing so; government reforms will take hold as politicians become more loyal to America’s intent.  These politicians will have no choice but to abandon America’s current course to self-destruction led by both the Liberal Progressives currently in office and the GOP’s failure to assume more conservative positioning. 

Republicans (let’s be honest), have not been attentive to the calls from the voting Right.  More importantly, their success is deeply rooted in the overwhelming Liberal failure than it is their accomplishments in office or meeting the needs of their constituents.  Many Republicans see this and have abandoned traditional GOP prospects for the less traditional Herman Cain.  Good for them and good for Herman!

Me?  I am not on board the Herman train because I value things that span beyond the scope of potential Cain represents.  If it came down to Cain V. Obama… I would flick the Cain switch.  If you pitted Cain against the likes of a strong Conservative cherishing constitutionalism and individual liberty… Can would be assed out of my vote without a doubt.  It is my values, I am not voting for myself next year; I am voting for Jamahl, Jasmine, Janece ,and Aaliyah and their future.  I want them to be able to look me in the eye and tell me they feel it is possible for their potential to carry them further in life than my potential has brought me.  Cain cannot deliver the intent of this ideology without first embracing the true concepts of individual liberty – even though he himself is the direct result of this sense of Americanism!  You see, it is not Cain; it is the way WE minimalize our perspectives of what and who these candidates actually represent. 

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @PJ43033, add me on my personal Facebook , or like my Facebook Fan Page.

Growing up Liberal was not all the bad, in fact it was downright fun!  We were poor minorities in the inner city and disadvantaged in almost every way imaginable.  It meant that our parents were liberal by default.  It was not that they were hardcore liberals in every case, but liberal because they were supposed to vote Democrat in order to make the inner city just a little more tolerable.

Not voting Democrat meant that the children would have less because no other political party would support the needs of the disadvantaged.  So our parents and our parents, parents practiced liberalism because they were led to believe that in voting Democrat they were helping all in the community.  The good thing about growing up so liberal and so disadvantaged was that it was fun!  I cannot remember a day that I was not in trouble.  Don’t get me wrong, I was not “bad” as it is traditionally defined, but I was a little boy when little boys were allowed to be boys… back when little boys had a helping hand in their identities by a father and before being a boy was labeled as a disorder of one sort or another.

Our fathers knew the importance of little boys establishing their positions and encouraged us in doing so.  This meant trouble was never very far away.  In being a male child, we learned lessons of the world first hand.  A father would allow room for direct experience and be patient enough to tolerate the natural rambunctious nature to evolve into a maturity that spawned a provider and protector.  This process meant that we had to spread our wings as frequently as possible.  We had to test our resolve, our courage, and our strength all while being held accountable for doing so.  As hypocritical as that may sound, it was crucial for our long‐term development.  We were encouraged to do the things little boys do, but as soon as the envelope was  pushed just a bit too far, we were held accountable; fully!  The lesser boys would back off, and those more like myself would push in slightly different ways trying figure out exactly where the line was drawn.  It was our form of “playing.”  Well, maybe I was just a bit bad our sense of "playing" then is completely intolerable behavior today.

Rock salt

Sports were always big and in the winter, the Boys Club was the perfect after school stopping spot.  Homework first, a couple of hours of basketball and starving we would head home braving the Philly cold.  The walk was horrid.  To get home quicker, the little boy in us would come out.  Knock, knock run (doorbell Dixie to many) would always come in handy.  You would be impressed at how fast we could make the two‐mile trek.  The snow and ice of the winters made it all the more fun because running could not be easily accomplished.  The snow and ice also meant that we did not have to go on a porch to knock on the door.  We would get a nice hard snowball that was half ice and take aim on a door and fire for a thunderous effect that would assuredly scare living the crap out of anyone inside the house.  Looking back, it was more like gunfire in sound than it was like a “harmless” screen door‐ruining, window breaking snowball.

The throws, the crashing, and we off running down the ice coated sidewalk.  One fateful night poor Duke slipped and fell.  He was the fastest, so he was on his own as we slipped and sprinted straight by (and in some cases, straight on and over) him.

“He’s got a gun!” we heard Duke yelling.  We increased speed and Duke scrambled behind a car after drawing attention to himself.  The shot gun wielding home owner was more than tired of our regular visits.  He allowed Duke to take flight before we all heard the shotgun blast and a SCREAMING Duke.  He had been shot square in the ass with some good old fashioned rock salt and he did not like it, not one bit!  His ass burned something fierce, so fierce that once under the bridge with the rest of us he dropped trouser and sank his stinging ass deep into the ice cover snow.  HILARIOUS!  For all but Duke anyway. 

“Do my jeans have holes in them?  My mom is going to kill me!”  Looking back, we all had similar reactions when our actions were catching up with us.  It was not that Duke had been shot in the ass that concerned him; it was that his actions that led to the result could get him in trouble for both!  Accountability was always first.  It never stopped us from acting like little boys, but it did force us to call our acts as little boys into question.  We did not stop to seek blame crying that Old Man Snyder was wrong for shooting Duke in the ass with rock salt.  We first looked at ourselves for what we chose to do that led to the event.  Our fathers had taught us that all things in life happen as a direct result of the choices we make prior to any event unfolding upon us; even when the result is wrong.

Not a matter of blame

Of course Old Man Snyder was wrong, but we were wrong first.  He was good enough about it to let Duke get far enough away to give him a good scare rather than a trip to the hospital.  He knew what message to send and how best to send it given the unruly group of hoodlums he was dealing with.  We never once complained about it – hell, it was not only funny to us it was just! 

As good or as bad an example as this may be, we were all raised with conservative values.  Life’s unfair nature could be offset with good decision making and hard work.

It was not until I was in the military that I realized not just how my father embraced conservative values, but how our collective upbringing was based upon them.  Conservative values were practiced within the home, but in no way did they transfer over to the political realm.  This is often the case, though today I question how many actually have the courage to practice conservative values as they raise their children anymore.

There was never a question when I was in the wrong.  Things stemming from being in the wrong were first my fault.  There was no absolution of self, of responsibility, of accountability; it was about a sense of cause and effect and my contributions to it.  In this, there is little room for blame.  Even when I was not in the wrong, I was faced with the question of what I was going to do about it.  There was no time for pity parties, there was no time to waste on anything other than overcoming the shortfalls in life that I was dealt because of being born Black in the inner city. 

Self fulfilled prophecy

Being disadvantaged meant that one needed to actively seek out the condition of advantage.  It was not “unfair” that we had to study harder, or work harder.  That’s just the way is was and if we allowed ourselves to get caught up in being disadvantaged, advantage in life would most assuredly spend a lifetime eluding us.

Life is an ongoing self fulfilled prophecy.  If you believe that being disadvantaged in life will hold you back; it will.  If you believe you can overcome being disadvantaged and succeed; you will.  The problem with being disadvantaged is that many today believe it is a lifelong curse.  We believe that we cannot overcome the adversity.  What we believe will be.  My father never told me any differently. 

In being such an unruly kid, I learned that no one is to fault before me.  By being allowed to be a boy allowed me to learn how to establish my position.  We were like wolf cubs practicing to be the alpha.  When we bit too hard we got bit back.  Those who stopped biting because they did not like getting bit back would never go forward in life to lead their own pack.  It was the simple life lessons that are no longer being taught because of broken families and political correctness that now inhibit this tactile learning process.

Today a boy who pushes a bit is diagnosed with a disorder of some sort when all he is, is a little boy using tactile learning to determine how he will best fit into a suit and tie later in life.  When we deny this, we cripple the future of men.  Boys are supposed to be active.  They are supposed to fight and they are supposed to be held accountable for being little boys.  Instead we are raising little girls in boys clothes.

It was not always the kindest and most gentle upbringing, because it was not supposed to be.  I was not born into a kind and gentle world.  I was born into a cruel and unforgiving world, but I was also born with the responsibility of seeing my way through it.  My father instilled in me that life was not about the other and what the other had.  He showed me through allowing me to spread my wings that life was about my choices.  It was about my willingness to be accountable for myself when it was easier to find blame in others.  My father taught me that life was so simple to be so complicated.

So much of what we apply in life is in direct conflict of who were are labeled by others to be in life.  My father voted Democrat and I call him a liberal, but actually how liberal was he?

The two beer buzz sets the tone for the evening out. Well, four beer buzz since we drink tall boys. You know that point when you are out drinking with friends and the mood takes it true shape as that perfect little buzz sets in. Will it be a calm and mellow night? Perhaps a wild night? Maybe a night of harassing the lesser cerebrally enabled? You know everything you need to know three quarters of the way through that coveted second beer.

It is the released desire in the mitts of the adult ego state taking a much needed break. Your inner liberal rears it emotively driven head and begins to speak while allowing you the freedom to do the unthinkable.

Suddenly, you know what is better for others than they know what is best for them selves. Your sentences start with “you should” and “you need to” because in your liberal ego state in the absence of adult mindedness, all around you are no longer adults competent of making their own decisions.

You are the high and mighty and they are but the minions looking for some one to follow in the absence of their own self competence. Your advice is for them, not for you as you spew words of pseudo wisdom that you yourself cannot adhere to. Being heard is far more important then being honest.

The advice you give is ideal, not practical. Your prior failures in life become accomplishments to anyone that will listen and you insist upon yourself over the voice of reason. You turn liberal when you drink.

Hypocrisy becomes the standard, a lie is but a mere twisted truth as you determine life’s course for others; regardless of what they want.

When you’re drunk, your dirty laundry is suddenly neat and dry cleaned hanging well organized while you explore the depths of the closed closets of others.

You determine that all others are inept, incompetent and stupid as it is your duty to save them from themselves. You are liberal when you are drunk.

If you're not drunk, then what the hell is Obama’s problem?!