PicturePhoto Credit: duckcommander.com
It is interesting watching, reading and listening to all the fervor surrounding Phil Robertson and A&E.  The aged redneck said something less than flattering about gays and the GLAAD community went high and to the right… or left shall we say.  A&E, an extreme leftist, over the top, pro-gay network, then indefinitely suspended the Robertson family patriarch for openly expressing his opinion that homosexuality was a sin.  This, perceived as a gross constitutional violation of 1st Amendment rights, caused conservatives to circle their wagons in defense of Robertson. Think Progress, a progressive website, published an article further stating that Robertson not only hates gays but also, is an avid racist who feels Blacks were better off before Jim Crowe Laws.  Interesting.

Okay, before we get too deeply into this, I must confess that I am partial to rednecks – to say that, “some of my best friends are rednecks,” would be a gross understatement.  Of course growing up as a youth in the poor, Black, northern inner city, I was taught that rednecks were almost a different species altogether.  They were a bizarre and racist people that hated all things beyond that of their own.  It is the way this new Modern Liberalism works – it preys upon ignorance.  Chances were that I would never evolve beyond that of the street life I was born into, let alone run into a redneck in order to be able to make any self-determinations.  And so, it was to be.

A few novella sized chapters of my life ago I joined the Navy and was shell shocked by the types of different people I met during training, but the true awakening came when I was sent to Millington, TN.  There is where I had my first true redneck encounter with a young man named Allan Stuart from Tyler, TX. (If memory serves me correctly.)  You must remember that at this time Allan and I both were only months removed from our homes.  I still had far more Philly street in me than I did military bearing and Allan was far more country than he was a Sailor.  Shortly after check-in, which was befouled by my own “misconduct,” I was assigned to watch on the Naval Hospital’s Information Desk.  There, I was teamed with a young, skinny kid whose accent was so strong I thought he was speaking a different language.  (For those of you who know him, yes, Allan was skinny once upon a time). 

Allan’s personality is larger than life and he was quick to share stories of his youth in a colloquial dialogue of idioms that could rival that of Samuel Clemens himself.  Conversations at first were difficult, not only was his accent thick, I had yet to be exposed to true southern lingo.  I could barely understand a word he said often interrupting with untimely, “huhs?” and “whats?” Of the first stories he shared was when he once took his father’s bullwhip and was heading off to play with it.  My liberal oriented mind quickly made a predetermination of where he was going with this story.  As it turned out, I was wrong.  His father caught him running off with the bullwhip and stopped him.  “Give that too me Allan.”  His father said before directing him to run across the yard.  No sooner than Allan hit full speed, a lesson teaching lightning bolt and thunderous crack ripped into his back.  His father, to teach him a firsthand a lesson about what the bullwhip actually represented, gave him a little taste.  And so, the stories continued to flow between the two of us for years to come.  Though worlds apart, and perhaps in the minds of most, an unlikely duo, especially in the Memphis area of TN, we found more similarities than differences in not only how we were raised, but also who we were as individuals and a true unbreakable friendship was born.  We would both leave Millington and go our separate ways to pursue different military opportunities. When I arrived in Yuma, what was to be my final duty station, I was recognized by Allan’s wife; even though I had never met her… or knew she even existed for that matter.  A friendship forced apart by military needs had endured a career’s worth of separation.  Allan had not changed.  Still bigger than life, deceivingly smart, rudely determined, hyper opinionated, highly driven, brutally honest and still his own person in spite of a liberal world that was determined to prejudge him and his type of people – Allan was still the same Allan I had met so many years earlier.  Now adult sized, but still enjoying a bizarre sense of individuality that allowed him to drive up to morning PT in a canary yellow Mustang GT blasting old school Chaka Khan and talking in Stu’s unmistakable southern drawl.  You cannot help but to love him once you meet him.  Allan, though a redneck in his own definition, yields but one accurate marker of what most think a redneck is; his accent - that while being most obvious, was least defining.

Nothing about Allen was or is how a redneck was described to be in the uber-liberal Philadelphian inner city.  Liberalism and its soft racisms of predetermination feed and perpetuate themselves vested largely on the stubborn ignorance of devout followers.  Chances were that I would have never made it off the streets and come to know the likes of Allan and so many others like him.  Had this been the case and I remained confined to the self-limiting liberal la la land, today I would likely take the words of Phil Robertson and based them on the misconceptions that liberalism deliberately ascribed to me.  What was omitted from those early conversations was the sometimes brutal honesty, loyalty and sense of faith driven integrity many people possess – some of which happen to be rednecks.

 Little different, I would later learn, than southern Blacks whose faith derived influences live on in even the most secular on northern inner city families were these so called rednecks.  While Allan I were quite different demographically, we were far more similar in terms of value systems.  Separated again by the changing tides of life, if I were to stumble across Allan today and he were down and out – without question he would be taken in and my home would be his.  As unlikely as we were said to be back in the day has little to do with who we, and people in general, actually are.  It is this loss of personal understanding coupled with a greater loss of our sense of humanity that contrives such predetermined and prejudicial disdain being levied against Robertson by GLAAD.

This is why I detest not the GLAAD agenda, but GLAAD’s methodologies.  What GLAAD now demands through such protests against the individual right to disagree, is that everyone embrace homosexuality.  Those who do not are now being attacked as GLAAD seeks to aggressively force their agenda of homosexual acceptance upon all people over the individual right to uphold their own personal beliefs.  The crime, to GLAAD, is simply to not support the homosexual community.  This overly aggressive position by GLAAD has forced them to continually misstep when seeking to persecute solely because someone within, or the gay community in general is not held in the highest of regard.   

In the “Stop the Hate, Free Kate” campaign, GLAAD sought to demonize all those who stood against Kate Hunt, a 17 year old high school teenager who was having sexual relations with a 14 year girl.  What GLAAD and the LGBT community advocates saw was a young gay person facing charges for “being gay,” but willfully overlooked her continued violations of court placed restraining orders and even tried to use politicians to legalize same sex relationships involving minors to circumvent statutory rape laws in the state of Florida. 

Continually we are told by GLAAD, its advocates and its moronic spokes people like Wilsin Cruz that conservatives “hate” and fail to possess constitutional understanding in ill-fated attempts to advance their own, and now clearly biased and even prejudicial, agenda.  Their recent attack on Chik-Fil-A not only resulted in record sales for the Christian oriented fast food chain, but GLAAD again tried to use leftist political entities to block Chik-Fil-A businesses from opening in areas that were controlled by liberals.  Yet, their insistence is that they, as liberals, support American freedoms and concepts of constitutionality – until someone disagrees with them that is.

The fact of the matter is gays wish to be accepted for being gay, which is fine.  The trouble arises when the community chooses to force their acceptance on all others and refusing to respect differing opinions even when those who choose to not support homosexuality wish no harm, nor act in a discriminatory manner against gays. 

Here is an interesting piece of trivia.  We as a nation, demand that immigrants seeking citizenship bear the responsibility to “Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.” It is a concept deeply vetted by the First Amendment’s protection of free speech and religious freedom.  Unfortunately, the most enshrouded Americans, American communities and American subcultures demand that their rights, beliefs and opinions be respected, but too often now, they refuse to bear the responsibility of respecting the same of others.  It is a dichotomy that the American progressive and liberal factions embrace to the highest and most absurd proportions.  Inasmuch, through their perverse sense of entitlement, GLAAD and many members of the otherwise rational LGBT community have taken giant steps backwards while only advancing the right to refute their belief system among those who tend to be impartial to their way of life, which is actually the majority of Americans.

When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
Lao Tzu
It is not that I am “anti-Right” or anything like that, though I have matured enough politically to see the gross republican failings.  Hell, that would make me a Liberal… or even worse – an Independent!  “A far Right Conservative,” a very good friend more recently called me.  It was to say that I tend to be a bit unbending in my political perspectives; rigid and unforgiving – extreme even (which is what “far Right” means anymore).  Consider it a “slight of compliment” that was both fitting and at times appropriate. 

It was a comment that made me think

Place the emphasis of “far Right Conservative” on Conservative; i.e. not Republican is what was being stated.  (I like the sound of that – “Not Republican!” It would make a good blog or website theme these days).  I like Republicanism and the associated political ideologies, but before that, the political values of fiscal responsibility, individual freedom, constitutional rights, personal accountability, personal responsibility and limited government must be upheld.  Looking at my little checklist: Where do Republicans really fit in to my political value system?  In my opinion, Republican officials represent these values in terms of rhetoric only, not in practice.  They DO exist in Republican philosophy and mantra, but both current and more recent Republican leadership refuse to practice them.  Moreover, I see the Party for how it practices the art of American politicking, not how they wish to be perceived as practicing them.  And this is where I simply veer course from the “establishment Republican” – they either do not find such values as important as myself, or they simply refuse to see and accept the truth about what their Republican political leadership is actually doing.  It is not that they are bad people; it is just that I see things differently and am accordingly not blinded by party affiliations over personal values and common sense.  (Ahem, Not that all Republicans are).

I just don’t get it

Practically, everyone on the Right is fuming over Obama’s Executive Order essentially granting amnesty to illegal immigrants – and rightfully so.  What I don’t get is why the actively elected Right has called upon an out of office, professional President wannabe (with no active political decision making authority what-so-ever) to take the lead on the immigration issue.  Rather than effect active legislation, those HIRED TO SERVE IN OFFICE BY THE RIGHT have taken a roll of passivity while further relying on a moot political figure, solely because he is running for office.  Simply put, Romney is not in a position to right the unilateral wrong committed by Obama, nor is Romney in a position to dictate immigration policy.  Elected politicians, inept in their own individual political ability, have hid from the issue behind a Romney shield instead of taking action as they were hired by the people to do.  Yet, no one really seems to notice. 

For purposes of personal amusement, let’s take a quick glimpse on Romney and the Latino vote.

Romney’s presidential bid needs no less than 31% of the Latino vote AFTER Obama just rolled over, smiled and swallowed  and secured the Latino vote in a monumental way.  When pressed on whether he [Romney] would strike down the EO if elected President, he ducked, dodged and avoided answering.  [Should probably insert a note here that Romney’s avoidance means he will do nothing if elected].  Romney however, is not dumb, but he may be making a very stupid move to resolve the “immigration” conundrum he faces.

More of the same old thing

Have you noticed how the media consistently covered how “Obama deported more illegal Mexicans than Bush;” all while AZ was attacked for enforcing the same standard Obama was being given credit for?  Perhaps you may have noticed when Obama deportation numbers were being dropped in public view; ICE was granting amnesty.   This Democrat hypocrisy exists because MOST DEMOCRATS SUPPORT IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT, NOT AMNESTY.  Obama pandered to both sides of Liberal immigration temperament and then sealed the deal favoring the Latino vote over national sovereignty.  Suckers.

Here’s another little immigration conflict for ya!  Asians now stand to overtake Mexicans in immigration to the US.  If they (both Republicans and Democrats) have sold national sovereignty for the Latino vote to this extent; can you possibly imagine what they will be willing to do for the Asian vote once politicians decide to make Asians the next American race issue?  That is how they get the votes you know.  They make it look like anyone not of a specified race is wrong and racist for not being of that race and then promise they will make things different and better.  The whole time making it worse to have something to actually fix, then walking away - after the given ethic group has given them their blind loyalty that is.  If you are Black like me, that should sound all too familiar.  If you are Mexican, I hope you have been watching closely; you’re next.

Republican vetting against constitutionalism

Rubio is currently being vetted for the coveted VP slot.  Not a bad choice in terms of political perspectives, but one cannot help but wonder if this is merely a “Hey! I like Latino’s too!” move to counter traditionally low Latino support for Republican politicians in a time where the Latino vote could well be the deciding factor in the 2012 Presidential race.  Though obvious, this is not what makes it a potentially disastrous and stupid move. 

Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, has something in common with the good old Prez.  Rubio’s parents “held off” on become US citizens until such a time Marco had already earned dual citizenship.  (In case you have not noticed, the commonality is not the Cuban parent part….)  Please allow me to digress even further.

The Right hosed the “Birther” issue by attacking it the laziest way possible.  Challenged was “where Obama was born” because the Right felt that if it proved Obama was born in Kenya, it would be an open and shut case; WRONG!  They almost completely ignored the true issue in that Obama’s father gave him dual citizenship because he [Obama] was born of a father that claimed citizenship to a nation that extended its citizenship to those children of their citizens born abroad.  You see, it never matter “where” Obama was born per se, because the dual citizenship is where the constitutional argument lies; an argument more difficult in constitutional terms than that of Obama being born in a foreign nation.  Had Republicans taken the higher ground, the “birther” conspiracy would have held the merit it truly deserved.  The average American of course, does not know this and the majority of those whom do possess the apathy of those worthy of following only.  Be that as it may, constitutional eligibility has been brought back to the forefront by Republicans; incorrectly, but nonetheless by Republicans – and constitutionally minded Republicans at that. 

So, that leaves me pondering why a Republican presidential wannabe would venture so recklessly in the deep and murky waters of constitutional eligibility – after making such a big deal about it and all.

What matters is winning the Latino vote, not the constitution.  Sound familiar?  The system was wrong for allowing Obama to be vetted and consequently seated in terms of constitutional eligibility.  Now stay with me here.  Yet, because American politicians have failed in the three years since Obama’s election to correct (or even attempted to correct) the failed system that allowed Obama to win the Presidential seat in the name of the Democrats – it is now only appropriate that the constitutional eligibility blind eye now be turned in REPUBLICAN favor.  A little quid quo pro if you will.  Since when was the constitution relevant anyway?  When will we, as Americans, become smart enough to realize that Left versus Right yields no true winner when both are wrong?

When both are wrong; all lose

And that is the underlying theme of all of this anyway isn’t it?  Both sides are wrong and they are wrong on all of the issues.  When it comes to the political elite; they are of the same agenda, just with different means to their ends.  Obamacare was so wrong, yet we nominate its architect for President? Never mind Nixonian Republicans and their attempt, ignore Clinton’s attempts and Gingrich who pushed it while Speaker of the House. Illegal immigration is wrong, but Reagan passed Amnesty; now Obama pens an EO for the exact same reasons Reagan pushed it through.  I mean really, with such hypocrisy; who should take the establishment Republican or modern Liberal seriously?  When is the last time an administration, albeit Republican or Democrat, effectively reduced government, regulation and spending?  Chirp, chirp.  (Hint: WWII for those not taking the question with its posed rhetorical intent.  BTW, it was the sharpest recession recovery in US economic history – yet today both Republicans and Democrats see it only fit to increase spending in order to provide entitlements in barter for votes).  The big difference is that Democrats have arguably done a better job of exposing Republican failures than Republicans have exposed the egregious failings of Democrats.  What’s funny is that Americans are ever so bitterly divided – all while their given elected officials pursue a common agenda against the good and freedoms of the people.  Well, that’s not really funny is it?  Please interject sad, pathetic, pitiful or any other adjective you deem most appropriate lieu of funny.

Conservative deviance

The problem is that, to an establishment Republican, I maintain an “extremely conservative” political perspective.  (The word they are looking for is DIVIANT, not so much extreme – while fully admitting extreme can fit in several places).  ;)

It is this deviance that separates Conservatives from establishment Republicans.  It is almost as if establishment Republicans have not yet awakened to the fact their political elite do not share their agendas, or at least I hope they don’t (given all the unconstitutional laws passed and what not).

It goes to reason why so many people refuse to follow politics.  It is truly a culture of deceit, corruption, hypocrisy and destruction.  In not following, you are spared the frustration and don’t have to look like a hypocrite for supporting one side over the other; you win by not playing.  What’s better than that? 

I hope at this point you realize our problem is not so much what the Left is doing versus what the Right is doing.  They are doing the same things and we only find political wrongs “un-American” and unconstitutional when it is the other side penning the legislation.  It is as shameful as it is true.  Perhaps what is most shameful is supporting this Two Party system solely designed for internal destruction and expecting someone to take you seriously.

_ Political writing for a living is an unusual form of work.  One thing is for sure, you learn more about American political culture than you want to.  Over time, you find yourself struggling to maintain a balance between your own political alliances and what is right from a more objective perspective.  Your awareness of America’s plight under current political influences forces you to accept a reality the average American voter is free to deny the existence of.  All of a sudden, you’re alone in your understanding of a two party political machine hell bent on the destruction of America’s intent.

Over time, I have grown weary of the lies perpetrated by both the Right and Left as they seek to advance their collective agendas against the people. Lies both voters of the Right and Left accept as reality. Having grown up Liberal and now freely embracing Conservatism to actually vote with my personal values, all of this has brought me to my current place in time.  The time has come to stop allowing Republicans from so easily destroying Conservative interests.

"More or less, Conservatism, mothered by the Republican Party and Fathered by the Democrat Party, currently suffers an Oedipus complex in that Conservatives wish to destroy Democrats while they harbor a perverse attraction to the Republican political elite." - Paul Johnson

Proof and reason

Have you ever stopped to take a look at the Left versus Right and realized the arguments only exist because the Constitution has become an afterthought that is only used when a given side finds it convenient?  If we place the Constitution first, we would not have the volatile political atmosphere of today.  To me, this means BOTH Republicans and Democrats have duped the American voter into debating the semantics of an argument in order to force their prying eyes away from the only Document that has the power to FORCE government back into its LIMITED role over the people.  The Democrat versus Republican perspective actually LIMITS the perspectives of debate.  Us against them is what the voter thinks, but the American voter lacks the awareness to see the Democrat and Republican political elite are now essentially one in the same. Proof positive lies here.

It is here that I feel myself losing my grip on Conservatism as a political affiliation.  First of all, in more places than not, in order to vote “Conservative,” you must register Republican to do so – even though there are ever increasing disparities between the two.  My thinking at this point in time is that Conservatives are selling out their own personal and voting values to play second fiddle to a failing and highly distorted sense of Republicanism that rules the Right today.

Here’s how they do it

Rush Limbaugh was probably worse about it in 2010 than was anyone else.  If the Tea Party votes for such and such, he would rant, we will split the vote and the Democrats will win.  (And they will in turn advance the very same agenda against the people the Republicans sought to).  This has evolved into a new Republican mantra; “You have to look at the bigger picture.” the newly recruited, newly brain washed, once Conservative, newly pseudo-Republican schlepps now say.  They are saying; put your Conservative values aside so Mitt can slay Barak in the name of the honorable Republican Party!  And, in droves they are doing just that – placing their voting values aside so a Republican with NO CONSERVATIVE VALUES OR INTERESTS can AGAIN hold the Office of the President of the United States.

A proposal of lunacy 

It would be bad if Obama were reelected, we all know that.  But what we don’t know is what it will take for Americans to understand the need of more Conservatives influences in America.  Perhaps eight years of assaults on the Constitution by this man will be enough to make Americans appreciate the Constitution and its intent to LIMIT GOVERNMENT.  Perhaps it will take even more threats against personal freedom for the people to call upon the Constitutional Articles and a certain Declaration to return America to the people she ascribed a responsibility of protection.  Perhaps what the American voter needs is a true wake-up call to understand the threat their growing government actually represents to them.  Obama may well be the man to bring it to them given enough time.

From Conservative to Mindless Minion

It is tiresome watching once Conservative voters falling in line like mindless minions (#mindlessminions) to a higher Republican order touting the likes of a presidential candidate that is a direct expression of their very protests against the Republican Party.  And to think they have the nerve say, “You have to look at the bigger picture.”  A bigger picture of no Obama and no Conservative values, but all they will admit to is the former, their conscious’ refuse to allow them to address the latter.  Sell outs have a hard time acknowledging certain things you know; no matter how obvious they are.

But I digress.  The fact of the matter is that many Conservatives lack to courage to truly be Conservative.  First they flocked to Herman Cain who demonstrated more Republican values than he had interests in individual freedom.  Now they pull the Romney line so the Republicans can defeat Obama with a man who will be as much like Obama as Obama has been like Bush.  Just like Obama allowed Bush’s final budget to wreak havoc for four years, Romney will bury the fight against Obamacare.  He is after all, the practiced architect and prototype developer of Obamacare – the program the Right spent millions trying to stop.  More hypocritical than ironic when you stop and look at the history of the Republican fight FOR health insurance mandates.  He will, in the name of Republicans, continue to recklessly spend and Blame Obama for not passing a single budget since Bush.  Foolishly, Conservatives are yet again supporting the bane of their existence the likes of both the Republican Party and Romney as their selection for Free World Leader.

These so-called Conservatives say they like Romney’s business acumen.  I do too, but what does that have to do with being President?  Better yet, what will that matter when Americans lack the personal freedom to fully enjoy a better economy WHICH CANNOT BE DELIVERED TO THE PEOPLE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT in the first place?

But hey, I don’t “see the bigger picture.”

With the loss of the Conservative voice influencing American politics, Republicanism is allowed to freely expand government without the resistance of Conservatives whom have vested against their own values because they have been fooled into supporting the Republican norm over their own values EVERY ELECTION CYCLE.  When will Conservatives stop playing second fiddle to the lesser Republican?  When will Conservatives have the courage to stand up for their own values and have the faith in the values that guide their everyday lives and vote accordingly? 

While it is absurd to actually wish another four years of Obama on Americans to awaken them from their own world of lies, denial and apathy; the only element that can stop America’s downward spiral are the Conservative influences being currently being brain washed by the Right into supporting the least Conservative candidate in the field; next to Obama that is. 

Why is it that so few see this for what it is?

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It is sort of funny, but I have been everything in the book.  Most notably, I would have to say would be neo-Nazi and liberal.  What makes it all the more amusing is those that have called me a neo-Nazi cannot list a single trait of commonality that would link a position of mine and that of the Nazism they heard (mis)used by CBS and Keith Olberman, thus picking the verbiage as a new key phrase of their own.  The sad part is the bastardization of liberalism that more aligns the Modern Liberal to the Nazi agenda than any other major political party in US history.

When faced with the neo-Nazi comment I usually ask “how” and wait for their response.  It is no surprise that their responses actually accuse the positions of the Modern Liberal and not my comments against this new and perverse direction the Left is moving in.  Therefore, it is laughable when a member of the Nazi leaning Left, accuses me of having a secret desire to bring Nazism to America.

When we look at liberalism, we cannot help but look at Obama himself.  Few realize how little he even uses the word and when he does, he dares to not delve into its lost definition.  The liberal of today cannot define liberalism beyond that of the common dictionary usage of “liberal.”  Tearfully sad I might add.  What’s worse is that so many of those whom supported Obama’s quest of Commander in Chief had so little interest in America herself, they could not articulate the difference between Left and Right, let alone find an internal political value that aligned them with a concept of liberalism that spawned an aged of accelerated Marxism, Leninism and economic Fascism; among other non American political agendas. 

Part of our collective problem is the need to define and label each other.  We do so with a ruthless scrutiny that disallows the individual expression of moderation.  You are either a full on party line puller, or nothing.  This is not unique to the rhetoric of the Left.  The Republican Party, which in my opinion has been a very poor representation of the Right in recent years is equally guilty.  Thank goodness for the Tea Party and their intent to return Conservative Values to the Right.  Either way, we are not a nation of special interests; we are a nation of individuals born with the right of the individual pursuit of our individual happiness!  To be clear, I redundantly used the word “individual” because that is where I feel the right to pursue life and life’s happiness falls.  It is not an entitlement in terms of guaranteed results as the Left is trying to turn it into.

However, I freely admit that I am not party line pulling conservative either.  Why would I want to be?  I define me; my political affiliation does not.  This definition is based upon a lifetime of developed personal values and beliefs.  I do not agree with all things conservative though conservatism best aligns with me.  If you were to be technical about it and base it solely upon “political aptitude,” I am actually better defined as Libertarian / Conservative!  Here is the kicker.  Most conservatives today actually lean more towards Libertarianism while they hold their conservative true to heart.  The Right of course downplays this because Libertarianism is gaining ever increasing representations that threatens the house that Republicans built on their journey away from conservative values as they pandered to the personal benefit of special interests.  This freedom that I express has caused some to say that I am liberal.  Hold your horses; if you read some of my writings, on the surface you will find some commonality with that of a Left that is now lost.

I am cool with gays in the military.  I have not always been, but “grew into it” as I matured in the military in the same manner I grew out liberalism while I was in the military.  Such a concept may at times cause a lesser politically articulate person to believe blue blood runs through these veins.  At the same time, though I am anti abortion, I am not Mr. Pro Life either.  Again, because I believe there are times that abortions are indeed called for, these same individuals may believe I am Pro Choice because seen in the writings are only certain key words that are attributed to a given side.  Just like people have selective hearing; people also have selective reading habits.  All I can say is read a bit deeper and if I write above a person’s level of understanding; read more – you will eventually catch up.  The one thing I am not is liberal.

Another part of this misunderstanding is what makes a conservative, a conservative.  I believe in less government - a very anti liberal position.  Going back to the individual pursuit, the pursuit comes with a certain burden of responsibility, a responsibility that lies solely with the individual.  It is not a gift owed to a person from governmental involvement in the regulation of personal lives.  What the government owes is equal opportunity, not equal outcomes!  The only gift provided upon birth is the gift of freedom that comes with being American.  What the individual does with that gift is up to them!  The Left of course does not agree with this.  And don’t feed me that “disadvantaged” BS because few were born more disadvantaged than I.

I believe in life and that life should be far more embraced than Americans today are willing to appreciate it.  Abortion in my eyes is not and should not be used as birth control, or as a tool to absolve individuals of their personal acts of irresponsibility.  Even though I do not fully agree with the Pro Life agenda, does not mean that I do not appreciate life for what it is or make me Pro Choice for that matter.

In as much, I believe in personal responsibility and accountability.  By far, this is the single greatest separation between my beliefs and that of the the Modern Liberal that has hijacked a once decent political philosophy.  What Obama and his minions of Modern Liberals want is equal outcomes in order to absolve the individual citizen of the personal responsibility that is granted as a gift upon birth requiring individuals to put their best foot forward despite the challenges they are born into.  This gift of freedom is viewed as curse because the Modern Liberal now covets on behalf of the other.  The other has identified this from a perspective of not having to fully effort the individual pursuit of happiness because it is easier for government to provide than it is for certain individuals to the risk the pursuit of more.  The ability to fail is freedom’s accountability for the willingness to strive.  The Modern Liberal now lacks the courage it takes to accept the consequences of failure as a part of Americanism.  By insisting upon equal outcomes, the Modern Liberal removes the individual responsibility of freedom and the accountability of where an individual finds them self in life.  In doing so, freedom itself is actually abolished!  Personal responsibility and accountability is everything.  It just takes guts to believe in it when times are hard.

How can I be cool with homosexuality?  It is about personal responsibility and accountability.  Homosexuality has been denounced since the onset of monotheistic religion.  For it, there is a consequence and that consequence comes in the form of accountability.  So, for me it is easy.  An adult makes choice just like any other and as with any choice, there will be accountability.  Because a person is gay does not make them bad when it comes to military performance.  It takes a certain type of person to be able to do the things required of those in the military and if that person happens to be gay, so be it.  From firsthand experience, the majority serving with them are more concerned with whether or not those that have been charged with the responsibility of having the life of another in their hands are capable of fulfilling the requirement.  It makes no sense to replace a gay person who can with a straight person who can’t.  Ask anyone who has had their life saved by someone who is gay and I am sure they will tell you the same thing.  If a gay person cannot fulfill such a mission, they should be prevented from serving BASED UPON THAT!  My fear is that gays will exploit this latest ruling and serve solely because they can and not because they are actually capable!  I fear that government will lack the courage to refuse service to those said gays out of fear of lawsuits and allow all gays because they are gay.  You see, supporting gays in the military comes with very conservative values; those of personal responsibility and accountability.  The Modern Liberal sees the tag GAY only and places no conditions of responsibility with it. 

So no, I am nothing like the Modern Liberal of today even when my views are confused with values of the Left.  For anyone stuck on the whole neo-Nazi thing, read a history book that is available anywhere in the world EXCEPT Germany and then re-evaluate your own position before judging mine based upon inaccurate Left Wing rhetoric.

Where the parties go wrong is espousing rhetoric over values. To be honest, it drives me crazy! How Liberal is a Democrat and how Conservative is a Republican? And I mean that seriously. Liberalism that was once was adorned with such words as “ask not what your country can do for you…” Words that were further right arguably than the practices of ANY Republican in office today. This is why I believe many “Democrats” with strong Liberal values currently stand against an administration that has embodied any thing but true Liberal values. Ideologues themselves, are supported by ideologues only.

What is supported is nationalized health care; because of the ideals it is based upon. Overlooked is the truth. Truth in the mandate is unconstitutional. Truth in the numbers – it is now predicted by the CBO that in 2019 only 10% eligible will actually be covered, while all are taxed for it, that number down 50% from just December. What is attractive is the concept of the state (government) providing to its people - a direct conflict to the values the Framers used in developing the Constitution and exactly why they limited (forbid) government’s ability to mandate programs of this or any nature. Thus, the modern Liberal has forgotten what Americanism is because it is easier for government to take care of the people than it is for the people to take care of themselves as the Framers intended that they do. The modern Liberal has simply forgotten it was such mandates by a tyrannical government that lead to the development of America to begin with. The modern Liberal is simply not a Liberal at all.

It is believed that “people die on the streets because they do not have health insurance.” A farce based on government rhetoric. People without insurance die because they feel their health is not worth the expense of being healthy. What has happened is simple. People live outside of their individual means to provide for themselves and have grown to expect government meet their needs for them. The American of today spends 30% of their income on necessities, with $1200 in savings and an average of 56K in debt. Health insurance is cast aside to “keep up with the Jones’.” Implementing a mandate to insure does not change the financially inept’s ability to meet their own responsibilities as the Framers intended they do.

This is NOT unique to Liberals in government; if anything they are following Republicans on this issue citing the fact that the first big push on mandated health care was carried out by the Nixon administration following the death of not only Kennedy, but Liberalism itself. Given “values,” no Liberal or Conservative would ever stand for such a measure! Where they would agree is that means need to be sought to provide an alternative insuring option that forces the insurers to compete for greater catchments; a measure directly omitted from the new law mind you. The result is premiums will INCREASE for those who have already decided that they cannot afford insurance to begin with! More damage than good has bee done with this bill, but it is not seen for what it is because it is not contained within the confines of rhetoric spewing from government sources and thus the modern Liberal proponent of the measure has little to say beyond the scope of emotive response and what the elected Democrats tell them to say.

Moreover, today’s Liberal nor Conservative can accurately define political values outside of what they told by government, nor can they define liberalism or conservatism without the use of Wikki! It is this loss of political self identity that has lead to a political impasse between the parties. As individuals begin to define what they do and do not support, more common threads are found than are actual differences BECAUSE the political belief structures are inherently MORE similar than they are dissimilar! The majority of American’s believe in personal accountability and personal responsibility. They believe in the right for the individual American to pursue their right for prosperity. It was not until the Modern Liberal took office and emotively enabled a nation of Liberals to embrace that which is not Liberal as a common political footprint. The dangers of this will result in an America that is anything but American as far America was intended to be. This becomes interesting when today’s Conservative and today’s Liberal cannot begin to discuss the 28 Principles the Framers used to create this great nation. How then can either group state, with any credibility whatsoever, what is or what is not American? They can’t. And because they can’t, they base their arguments on GOP and Democratic rhetoric devoid of the truth, with no full understanding of how our current course as a nation will is leading us away from a nation that was destined for greatness by its very design. Our concepts of Liberalism, Conservatism and Americanism are thus based in gross ignorance. America is being lost to Americans that do not know what “America” actually is! This is how I know the fight for America has already been lost.

We can split hairs over whether global warming is man made and taxing the people into not using resources is the right corrective action and we can debate whether it is the government’s responsibility to provide and force the purchase of insurance all we want. These discussions however, are of no true value or meaning if we as a people fail to understand why we are here in this position, or how the events that lead to this position defy what Americanism was meant to be. We must reframe from both the cognitive and emotional perspective the framework of the Framers in developing the Constitution to even begin discussions on Americanism. We cannot speak to how great a job Obama is doing if we have not the base of knowledge to understand how he and his policies impact the intent this nation was founded under. We cannot support a Tea Party that was founded to give rebirth to Conservative values if we cannot define conservatism. We should not speak on items of discontentment if we do not know why the subject matter defies Americanism. The time to stop being GOP and Democratic puppets has long since past. The time to fully appreciate and understand how both parties have defiled the American Dream has arrived. The time to become self educated with freedom from the emotional shackles of government intent is upon us; if we are to save an America that the average American cannot even define. We, as Americans are now in dire straits as we face a nation being delivered to economic oppression as we allow it to be driven to a likeness of ever failing European Economies!

As Americans, we have failed America by taking America and Americanism for granted. We have failed America by not appreciating why America was founded. Moreover, we have failed Americanism by thinking the America we have loved would be there for us without us being there for her! The reframing of our political value system is the very essence of American survival. This time, we must embrace it, or leave America to a state of permanent Anti-Americanism.