So how do you tell your favorite, unemotional and often overly independent Sagittarian friend that he or she is not a Sagittarius, but an Ophiuchus? The answer is simple; you don’t because they are also just stubborn enough to immediately dismiss any contentions that they are anything other than what they have determined themselves to be! Be that as it may, the world of astrology has been sent reeling with the introduction of Ophiuchus as the 13th zodiac sign.
Read more at Suite101: Ophiuchus, the 13th Zodiac Sign http://www.suite101.com/content/ophiuchus-the-13th-zodiac-sign-a332241#ixzz1Axt0lSTN

Published 13 January 2010, on Suite 101
It has been a whirlwind 24 hours.  The news is saturated with the tragedy unfolding around Representative Giffords.  So much news that some wish to turn away from it.  So much speculation that many have grown confused.  It is the fallout that is of specific concern to several; the long term impact of the morbid demonstration of the abuse of freedom this act represents. 

In incidents such as this, the lesser first seek to find blame.  This from Pima County Sheriff who quickly exploited the tragedy to advance an agenda against the Tea Party which the perpetrator had no affiliation.  National politicians who blamed the blogosphere and even Sarah Palin.  Politicians who blamed the internet.  So few in this first 24 hours blame the perpetrator himself.  In a culture of entitlement and the absolution of personal responsibility, it is not a matter of the individual’s accountability, but the variables that could have enabled this individual to act in this manner; it is simply not his fault they insist through the demonstration of the accusations.

It is the fault of the right to carry laws in Arizona.  It is the fault of political rhetoric and political organizations.  It is the fault of a right wing extremist organizations.

Sheriff Dupnik

The epitome of what has gone wrong with the left (and I mean this constructively); the very embodiment of the rhetoric he denounces.  Before any conclusion could possibly be draw, Pima County Sheriff Dupnik was placing blame on the right and denouncing the state of Arizona as a “mecca for prejudice and bigotry” while further denouncing the Tea Party as the reason for an event that had yet to be investigated.  The objectivity of a Sheriff lost to the very rhetoric he sought to denounce.


The definition of rhetoric has been lost to the progression of political agendas on both sides.  Rhetoric is now any written or orated case against a given side.  Lost is the constructive nature of opposing views that has the potential of making a grossly failing two party system more effective.  A given side will refute “rhetoric” as nonsense before it will take such a criticism to evaluate their current position.  This is because our elected officials are forcing their personal agendas and special interests upon the people.  In as much, re-evaluating a position becomes impossible because the path to the end result cannot be altered with the expectation of delivering the people to the predetermined destination as set by the very few.  Rhetoric now represents a groundless dismissal of opposition.

What has happened in America is simple.  Rhetoric as it is currently defined is a highly contagious political tool that disables both the logic and reason of the adult ego state as it provides a path to unadulterated, emotive and irrational response.  Take Sheriff Dupnik for example.  This is a County Sheriff whom defiantly resists the enforcement of law while freely and illogically dismissing it to racist claims against his own people.  In translation, this simply means he picks and chooses the laws he will and will not enforce because he now possesses such an emotive response that he, by his own words can no longer function competently in his position.  His excuse is to find blame in others and not hold to account the responsibility of the individual perpetrating the act.

Loss of freedoms

In the wake of this tragedy, Americans can expect blame over accountability.  The sick act of individualism will recede to the agenda of government.  Dusted off will be legislation the government previously feared to pass.  Its renewal will be fueled by the exploitation of tragedy itself.  Already the administration is seeking the creation of internet IDs for Americans.   Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) has announced she will introduce a gun control bill to ban the high capacity magazines used in the Arizona shooting.  Meanwhile, other politicians have sought to politicize the tragedy to advance their agenda against the Second Amendment.   The Tucson Democratic Party has also set its sights on the Arizona Second Amendment as it is in their opinion; the Second Amendment that is at fault for the shooting of Representative Giffords and slaying of the innocent.  It is not the Second Amendment that brought this tragedy forth, it was the perverse abuse of freedom.

Freedom is always accompanied by threats against it.  Such threats come from the hand of our own citizenry and those from abroad.  Meeting the threat against freedom requires a courage of unity which America is rapidly losing.  Legislation proposed in the wake of the Tucson massacre is based upon an emotive response that delivers all from freedom to protect against the few that would or could, under a given set of circumstances abuse it. 

No comfort

Second Amendment proponents are comforted by the Supreme Court rulings in defense of the Second Amendment.  However, it is important to remember that the June 28th ruling was 5 – 4 in support that the “Second Amendment’s guarantee of an individual right to bear arms applies to state and local gun control laws.”  This was identical in vote to a similar ruling just two years prior.  This is of concern in that the ruling comes in response to states and local communities insisting that the U.S. Constitution does not apply to specific areas of the nation when they seek to move legislation in directions against the Constitution itself.  A 5 – 4 victory in a case like this should be 9 – 0.  The flow of the Modern Liberal agenda against the Constitution is having an impact that could (through “rhetoric” induced emotive response) swing against the Constitution in the wake of tragedy.

In our ill belief that we can “control” guns, we believe we can control the people and their use of guns whether they are acquired legally or illegally.  This has been targeted by many because a gun was used.  The internet will be targeted because it is where much of this man’s emotional instability was disclosed and caused him to “slip through the cracks;” cracks that government will seek to seal through imposing restrictions of freedoms and liberties upon all of the people.  The belief for many active in politics today; if some cannot handle the responsibility of American freedom and liberty – none shall be entitled to it.

This horrific even was not the result of rhetoric, it was the evil abuse of freedom.  The challenge we are faced with as Americans; are we a strong enough people to defend freedom in dark of night when the evil it begets cowardly attacks its intent?

Not a matter of Right or Left

The Right was prematurely blamed for this tragedy by those sworn to uphold the law.  This was not the result of rhetoric; it was rhetoric in its perverse form.  Immediately the Right was sought out to be discredited in the wake of tragedy because American politics have devolved to such low levels that mourning the loss of life is now secondary to advancing a political agenda.

“The Right Wing Extremist” as this individual was claimed to be, was actually the furthest thing from it.  He believed in the big government universal solution.  His desired reading was of those embodied bodied by the far Left that even the true Left does not support.  The accusations against the Right, of course came before anything was discovered.  He was / is not a Right Wing Extremist, nor was / is he a Left Wing Nut Job.

The blame lies on his shoulders and his shoulders alone.  To use such a person and his actions against humanity to benefit a political belief system is an act as deviant as the turn of events that plummeted the state of Arizona into despair, dread and horror.  As we publically denounce this act of violence, those politicizing should be equally denounced.

Published, 10 January 20101 on Examiner.com

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Arizona Rep. Giffords shot; What is Next for America - Phoenix Libertarian | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/libertarian-in-phoenix/arizona-rep-giffirds-shot-what-is-next-for-america#comments#ixzz1AkO4nJXS


Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY (contributed), Greg Palklot. "Administration to World: Arizona Shooting Shows We Have Extremists Too." 10 01 2011. FoxNews. 10 01 2011 <http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/10/administration-world-arizona-shooting-shows-extremists/>.

Foxnews.com. "Pima County Sheriff Sets Off Debate on Price of Free Speech." 09 01 2011. FoxNews. 09 01 2011 <http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/09/pima-county-sheriff-sets-debate-price-free-speech/>.

Hurlbut, Terry. "Pascrell, Paterson mayor continue to politicize Giffords shooting." 10 01 2011. Examiner. 10 01 2011 <http://www.examiner.com/essex-county-elections-2010-in-newark/pascrell-paterson-mayor-continue-to-politicize-giffords-shooting?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter>.

Johnson, Paul. "Arizona Rep. Giffords shot; What is Next for America." 10 01 2011. Examiner. 10 01 2011 <http://www.examiner.com/libertarian-in-phoenix/arizona-rep-giffirds-shot-what-is-next-for-america>.

Kincaid, Cliff. "Obama Officials Use Fox News to Smear Conservative Group in Shootings." 09 01 2011. American Renaissance, Accuracy in the Media. 09 01 2011 <http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2011/01/obama_officials.php>.

Liptak, Adam. "Justices Extend Firearm Rights in 5-to-4 Ruling." 28 06 2010. NYTimes. 09 01 2011 <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/29/us/29scotus.html?_r=1>.

LOVLEY, ERIKA. "2 pols say they'll be armed back home." 09 01 2011. Politico. 09 01 2011 <http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0111/47316.html>.

McCullagh, Declan. "Obama to hand Commerce Dept. authority over cybersecurity ID." 07 01 2011. CNET, Privacy INC. 09 01 2011 <http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20027800-281.html?tag=topTechContentWrap;editorPicks>.

Somashekhar, Sandhya. "Sheriff Dupnik's criticism of political 'vitriol' resonates with public." 09 01 2011. Washington Post. 09 01 201 <http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2011/01/sheriff-dupniks-criticism-of-p.html>.

Summers, Patrick. "American Renaissance Denies DHS Charges, Any Affiliation With Shooter." 09 01 2011. FoxNews. 09 09 2011 <http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/2011/01/09/american-renaissance-denies-dhs-charges-any-affiliation-shooter>.

TOEPLITZ, SHIRA. "Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill." 09 01 2011. FoxNews. 01 09 2011 <http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0111/47338.html>.


In 2010 the nation engaged in spirited debate over illegal immigration.  The state of Arizona was unconstitutionally boycotted (Friedman) and sued by the federal government for passing legislation that sought to enforce existing federal laws that the federal government struggles to uphold. (Johnson)  The federal government directly challenged provisions in the Arizona law and quietly placed them in its own failed DREAM Act which sought to grant amnesty to many in the nation unlawfully.  (Johnson) (Read more).

By: Paul Johnson
Published on December 28th, 2010 @ 06:44:15 pm , using 610 words

This one I could not help but pass up!  And don't get started with that "why you hatin' on Obama crap?" because I am not.

There seems to be some controversy about Obama being selected as the Most Admired man... again.  Many think this was rigged in a manner akin to the Nobel Peace Prize; and in all fairness it was - just not in the "rigged" manner in which one would consider. (Read more).

Published on Conservative Refocus.

Featured on True Conservative 101.

It has been an historic week in Washington D.C.  The problem is that only half of the story is really being told by the mainstream media.  Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) has been repealed and the DREAM Act has been shot down.  It’s only the former that is being hyped.  It is as if the failure the Dream Act will be overshadowed by the passing of the DADT repeal.  Of course this is not true and whether or not the mainstream media wishes to give the DREAM Act’s failure its deserved attention, America knows what happened, and you and I know what happened.  Illegal is illegal, is what happened. (Read more).

Published on Examiner.

Featured on:
Conservative Refocus
Red Room

By: Paul Johnson
Published on July 24th, 2010 @ 01:51:19 am , using 1224 words
Scottsdale Examiner

One of the things that have been crystal clear is that President Obama did not bring about a “Post Racial America.” If anything, we have debated more about whether or not Obama has ushered in a “New Racial America.” Many thought it was people being overly sensitive to the fact that Obama is black. Several have claimed it was by design to bring favor to political platforms which otherwise lack merit.

It did not take Obama’s census form where he declared himself “African-American” for voters to see him as black. It should not matter, but apparently it does. That much Obama knew when he designed his campaign. You see, the “Post Racial America” that never was, was never meant to be. Revealed earlier today, Obama’s campaign was designed to elicit race as an issue and bring it to the American forefront. Initially targeted were journalists. If they were white and Conservative they would be attacked and painted as racist and bigots for standing against Obama. This was highly effective and those on the Obama attack quickly backed off. His lack of experience, his history, and the fact that more was sealed on this man than available about him; all swept cleanly off the table. He was given pardon because he was black. Unfortunately, as it would turn out, this tactic was so effective it persists in the Obama Administration to this day. (Read more).

Featured on Conservative Refocus.

 By Paul Johnson on Sat, 08/28/2010 - 13:13

The consequence of attempting to force economic recovery on a nation is the same as Peter returning to a now broke Paul demanding payment in full, plus interest.  In the case of America, Peter is the consequence of a stimulus and other government spending initiatives named Paul. 

The probability of a double dip recession is now at 40% as the stimulus and programs like cash for clunkers come home to roost.  What is happening is very simple.  Stimulus and like programs are followed by short term economic activity which ebbs as fast as it surges.  As with any ebbing tide, it recedes further than the preceding flow.  In terms of economics, it causes more damage than it creates good. (Read more).

Published on Examiner.

Featured on:
The Next Right.
Red Room.

 By Paul Johnson on Tue, 02/09/2010 - 13:52
Talk about missing the mark! 

Granted, some polls are far better than others and many of them you simply cannot trust because they are skewed to make a person appear to be ahead or behind.  Such an example would be one of CBS fame that printed “0% of African Americans disapprove of Obama.”  The flaws are obvious given the very person alone currently writing this.  On the flip side of the coin are polls that just simply show what is on people’s minds and allow you to make what you want of them.  One such poll revealed some startling concerns of the American people in terms of their priorities.   As Obama Bashing becomes as much as a leisurely past time for many as does Bush Blaming for others, it becomes apparently clear that the Obama Bashing opportunities have been handed forth on a silver platter trimmed ornate gold.

The top three priorities for Americans this year are; strengthening the economy, improving the job situation and defending the US against terrorism.  Clearly the administration has done too little and many will even argue that they have failed because so much attention has paid to three other areas; the stimulus, health care reform and cap and trade legislature.  It is here is where they have missed the mark. (Read more).

Featured on The Next Right.

  By: Paul Johnson
Published on July 29th, 2010 @ 06:30:24 pm , using 1434 words Posted in  Scottsdale Examiner

I have to admit that I love political conversations at work. Granted, in my position I have to be a bit careful, but none the less they are fun.

One of the other directors asked me this morning, "So what do you think about the strong ruling against Arizona yesterday?"

My retort. "What do you think about the strong ruling against the Obama Administration yesterday?" The look of confusion was absolutely classic! Profound "dumbfoundedness," polarized by contempt and confusion.

"What ruling against Obama? I am talking about SB 1070. There was no ruling against Obama." As she began to insist upon herslf.

And therein lies the problem ladies and gentlemen. Reliance on mass media that actually has gotten the story completely wrong. The initial story went out without all of the details of the ruling. In the haste for writers go be read, that story is elaborated on just enough to avoid plagiarism and slightly altered versions of the same incorrect and shallow story reverberated across the nation - all incorrect. (Read more).

Featured on Conservative Refocus.


Things get amusing from time to time. President Obama released a statement to inform the nation that he is indeed Christian. So what. Who really cares? Of all the things going on in America, a great deal of attention is being paid to what religious group this man belongs to. Making a statement depicting he supported the Mosque at ground zero did not help. The retraction was weak. He did not use his middle name until he was inaugurated. And then there is so much about this man the world will never know. Therein lies the problem; the unknown about our very own president. This is what makes such queries come to the forefront, not fear mongering as the Liberal media has to come to insist. (Read more).

Published August 21st, 2010 11:02 am MT on Examiner.