It is not that I am “anti-Right” or anything like that, though I have matured enough politically to see the gross republican failings.  Hell, that would make me a Liberal… or even worse – an Independent!  “A far Right Conservative,” a very good friend more recently called me.  It was to say that I tend to be a bit unbending in my political perspectives; rigid and unforgiving – extreme even (which is what “far Right” means anymore).  Consider it a “slight of compliment” that was both fitting and at times appropriate. 

It was a comment that made me think

Place the emphasis of “far Right Conservative” on Conservative; i.e. not Republican is what was being stated.  (I like the sound of that – “Not Republican!” It would make a good blog or website theme these days).  I like Republicanism and the associated political ideologies, but before that, the political values of fiscal responsibility, individual freedom, constitutional rights, personal accountability, personal responsibility and limited government must be upheld.  Looking at my little checklist: Where do Republicans really fit in to my political value system?  In my opinion, Republican officials represent these values in terms of rhetoric only, not in practice.  They DO exist in Republican philosophy and mantra, but both current and more recent Republican leadership refuse to practice them.  Moreover, I see the Party for how it practices the art of American politicking, not how they wish to be perceived as practicing them.  And this is where I simply veer course from the “establishment Republican” – they either do not find such values as important as myself, or they simply refuse to see and accept the truth about what their Republican political leadership is actually doing.  It is not that they are bad people; it is just that I see things differently and am accordingly not blinded by party affiliations over personal values and common sense.  (Ahem, Not that all Republicans are).

I just don’t get it

Practically, everyone on the Right is fuming over Obama’s Executive Order essentially granting amnesty to illegal immigrants – and rightfully so.  What I don’t get is why the actively elected Right has called upon an out of office, professional President wannabe (with no active political decision making authority what-so-ever) to take the lead on the immigration issue.  Rather than effect active legislation, those HIRED TO SERVE IN OFFICE BY THE RIGHT have taken a roll of passivity while further relying on a moot political figure, solely because he is running for office.  Simply put, Romney is not in a position to right the unilateral wrong committed by Obama, nor is Romney in a position to dictate immigration policy.  Elected politicians, inept in their own individual political ability, have hid from the issue behind a Romney shield instead of taking action as they were hired by the people to do.  Yet, no one really seems to notice. 

For purposes of personal amusement, let’s take a quick glimpse on Romney and the Latino vote.

Romney’s presidential bid needs no less than 31% of the Latino vote AFTER Obama just rolled over, smiled and swallowed  and secured the Latino vote in a monumental way.  When pressed on whether he [Romney] would strike down the EO if elected President, he ducked, dodged and avoided answering.  [Should probably insert a note here that Romney’s avoidance means he will do nothing if elected].  Romney however, is not dumb, but he may be making a very stupid move to resolve the “immigration” conundrum he faces.

More of the same old thing

Have you noticed how the media consistently covered how “Obama deported more illegal Mexicans than Bush;” all while AZ was attacked for enforcing the same standard Obama was being given credit for?  Perhaps you may have noticed when Obama deportation numbers were being dropped in public view; ICE was granting amnesty.   This Democrat hypocrisy exists because MOST DEMOCRATS SUPPORT IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT, NOT AMNESTY.  Obama pandered to both sides of Liberal immigration temperament and then sealed the deal favoring the Latino vote over national sovereignty.  Suckers.

Here’s another little immigration conflict for ya!  Asians now stand to overtake Mexicans in immigration to the US.  If they (both Republicans and Democrats) have sold national sovereignty for the Latino vote to this extent; can you possibly imagine what they will be willing to do for the Asian vote once politicians decide to make Asians the next American race issue?  That is how they get the votes you know.  They make it look like anyone not of a specified race is wrong and racist for not being of that race and then promise they will make things different and better.  The whole time making it worse to have something to actually fix, then walking away - after the given ethic group has given them their blind loyalty that is.  If you are Black like me, that should sound all too familiar.  If you are Mexican, I hope you have been watching closely; you’re next.

Republican vetting against constitutionalism

Rubio is currently being vetted for the coveted VP slot.  Not a bad choice in terms of political perspectives, but one cannot help but wonder if this is merely a “Hey! I like Latino’s too!” move to counter traditionally low Latino support for Republican politicians in a time where the Latino vote could well be the deciding factor in the 2012 Presidential race.  Though obvious, this is not what makes it a potentially disastrous and stupid move. 

Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, has something in common with the good old Prez.  Rubio’s parents “held off” on become US citizens until such a time Marco had already earned dual citizenship.  (In case you have not noticed, the commonality is not the Cuban parent part….)  Please allow me to digress even further.

The Right hosed the “Birther” issue by attacking it the laziest way possible.  Challenged was “where Obama was born” because the Right felt that if it proved Obama was born in Kenya, it would be an open and shut case; WRONG!  They almost completely ignored the true issue in that Obama’s father gave him dual citizenship because he [Obama] was born of a father that claimed citizenship to a nation that extended its citizenship to those children of their citizens born abroad.  You see, it never matter “where” Obama was born per se, because the dual citizenship is where the constitutional argument lies; an argument more difficult in constitutional terms than that of Obama being born in a foreign nation.  Had Republicans taken the higher ground, the “birther” conspiracy would have held the merit it truly deserved.  The average American of course, does not know this and the majority of those whom do possess the apathy of those worthy of following only.  Be that as it may, constitutional eligibility has been brought back to the forefront by Republicans; incorrectly, but nonetheless by Republicans – and constitutionally minded Republicans at that. 

So, that leaves me pondering why a Republican presidential wannabe would venture so recklessly in the deep and murky waters of constitutional eligibility – after making such a big deal about it and all.

What matters is winning the Latino vote, not the constitution.  Sound familiar?  The system was wrong for allowing Obama to be vetted and consequently seated in terms of constitutional eligibility.  Now stay with me here.  Yet, because American politicians have failed in the three years since Obama’s election to correct (or even attempted to correct) the failed system that allowed Obama to win the Presidential seat in the name of the Democrats – it is now only appropriate that the constitutional eligibility blind eye now be turned in REPUBLICAN favor.  A little quid quo pro if you will.  Since when was the constitution relevant anyway?  When will we, as Americans, become smart enough to realize that Left versus Right yields no true winner when both are wrong?

When both are wrong; all lose

And that is the underlying theme of all of this anyway isn’t it?  Both sides are wrong and they are wrong on all of the issues.  When it comes to the political elite; they are of the same agenda, just with different means to their ends.  Obamacare was so wrong, yet we nominate its architect for President? Never mind Nixonian Republicans and their attempt, ignore Clinton’s attempts and Gingrich who pushed it while Speaker of the House. Illegal immigration is wrong, but Reagan passed Amnesty; now Obama pens an EO for the exact same reasons Reagan pushed it through.  I mean really, with such hypocrisy; who should take the establishment Republican or modern Liberal seriously?  When is the last time an administration, albeit Republican or Democrat, effectively reduced government, regulation and spending?  Chirp, chirp.  (Hint: WWII for those not taking the question with its posed rhetorical intent.  BTW, it was the sharpest recession recovery in US economic history – yet today both Republicans and Democrats see it only fit to increase spending in order to provide entitlements in barter for votes).  The big difference is that Democrats have arguably done a better job of exposing Republican failures than Republicans have exposed the egregious failings of Democrats.  What’s funny is that Americans are ever so bitterly divided – all while their given elected officials pursue a common agenda against the good and freedoms of the people.  Well, that’s not really funny is it?  Please interject sad, pathetic, pitiful or any other adjective you deem most appropriate lieu of funny.

Conservative deviance

The problem is that, to an establishment Republican, I maintain an “extremely conservative” political perspective.  (The word they are looking for is DIVIANT, not so much extreme – while fully admitting extreme can fit in several places).  ;)

It is this deviance that separates Conservatives from establishment Republicans.  It is almost as if establishment Republicans have not yet awakened to the fact their political elite do not share their agendas, or at least I hope they don’t (given all the unconstitutional laws passed and what not).

It goes to reason why so many people refuse to follow politics.  It is truly a culture of deceit, corruption, hypocrisy and destruction.  In not following, you are spared the frustration and don’t have to look like a hypocrite for supporting one side over the other; you win by not playing.  What’s better than that? 

I hope at this point you realize our problem is not so much what the Left is doing versus what the Right is doing.  They are doing the same things and we only find political wrongs “un-American” and unconstitutional when it is the other side penning the legislation.  It is as shameful as it is true.  Perhaps what is most shameful is supporting this Two Party system solely designed for internal destruction and expecting someone to take you seriously.

One thing is brutally clear, people are not happy with debt ceiling increase.  Everyone seems to be upset about it.  Obama’s approval has dropped, the GOP has garnered considerable blame for the debacle, all while the fewest number of Americans ever recorded are stating America is on the right track.  The rhetorical game playing conducted by the political elite has come with appropriate consequence.  The people have grown tired of the natal political approach to very serious issues, the sophomoric name calling by those selected by the people to lead by example, and are now weary of the gross fiscal incompetence demonstrated by government.  Good for Americans, it is about time the masses have awakened to their new reality.  Oddly, many are upset for the wrong reasons!  This entire week has been spent assessing the discontent and at times correcting even correcting it.

Imagine if you will, a young single mother attending college while working full time, struggling to make ends meet today in order to get ahead tomorrow who decides she is going to purchase a new car next year.  She selects a top of the line Porsche that will cost her $175K knowing she cannot afford it.  To rationalize this irrational spending, she opts to target her own young children and puts them to work walking dogs, babysitting and doing chores for the elderly within the neighborhood so she can take those earnings to “offset” the economic damage she is about to inflict upon her family and household.  Her sisters then intervene and demand she not increase her household spending knowing it will eventually lead to complete fiscal collapse in that the spending is unsustainable.  To placate her family, she opts instead to purchase a $100K BMW.  To exculpate this phenomenal and still unsustainable INCREASE in spending, she explains her decision to buy the BMW saves her $75K!  AND HER SISTERS FALL FOR THIS HIGHLY FLAWED ECONOMIC LOGIC!! 

Clearly, nothing is being “cut (or saved),” and spending is increasing astronomically.  Yet, part of the discontentment is the “cuts.”  It is not a cut!  It is the slowed growth of government’s role in “supporting” the people.  In short, this means the rate of governmental dependency has eased from its prior established schedule, but they continue to grow nonetheless.  As with the single mother, this money does not have to be spent (keeping in mind, not spending money you do not have does not equal "saving," nor does it meet the common definition of fiscal "cut").  Just as she insisted upon spending it, government has done the same.  People concerned about “cuts” need not be.  Your government has just supported your desire of runaway and reckless spending.  To placate the people not economically savvy enough to understand this perverse form of fiscal fascism, they just call it a “cut” in a blatant disregard of American cognitive ability.  Sad. 

Democrats, especially older Democrats, are highly upset about Medicare “cuts.”  (See above).  However, there exists, as usual with many Democrats and their unyielding allegiance to Obama, an anti-GOP resentment that spawns its own double standard.  The Ryan Medicare plan to establish “cuts” to the program has drawn an incredible amount criticism.  Okay, blinded Obama supporting mindless Modern Liberals, ask yourselves this; why is the Ryan plan even on the table today? 

It is on the table because Obama has egregiously failed in all matters fiscal.  Look at it this way.  The last fiscal task Obama fully completed was the stimulus!  Not so much as a completed FY budget followed!  Now, understanding this aptitude of personal agenda prioritization over needed fiscal responsibility, ask your marginally minded self; why he could accomplish passing the stimulus on a package that not one single elected official was granted the chance to read in full, but could not oversee the passing of a single budget?  (Answer in a moment).  These budget lapses evolved into a debt ceiling debate.  Here, we have no budgets passed in more than 800 days followed by a demanding of the people more money be spent.  It gets worse. 

The debt ceiling debate never really ended.  All they have done was pass the buck by creating a “Super Congress” that will convene on the debt ceiling issue NEXT FISCAL YEAR!  In doing so, they raised the debt ceiling.  Not even 48 hours later, the federal government set a new spending record.  (Tough to blame Bush for that, but you will figure out a way to do it).  As Savage said on the debt debate, the nation has been “hoodwinked.”  Because Obama FAILED yet again on budget issues, the door was reopened for the Ryan plan that Leftists seem to hate so much.  Obama allowed this because he wanted to SPEND TODAY, before Congress could implement any changes in the spending structure.  Silly, silly, foolish, gullible people.  It is timely to mention at this juncture, the passing of FY budgets contain changes in spending structure; something Obama has side stepped since he has been in office.  (The answer to the above non-rhetorical question).  But no, many are pissed at Ryan because he wants to “cut” Medicare.  Tsk, tsk, tsk.  First, the door was opened for Ryan before America's very eyes, and yes, America has been played by the Progressive Idol.  However, I digress, if a person is pissed at Ryan (and the words against him were HEATED and laden with HATE); why are they not pissed at Obama?  Not for passively and deceptively allowing the Ryan plan come to the fruition of opportunity, but for the Medicare and Medicaid cuts that OBAMA SOUGHT?!  That’s right, Obama sought cuts to your beloved program, but you hate Ryan for doing what your leader has attempted to do because he from another Party!  You are a shameful and prejudicial American blinded to reality through your own ignorance.  (Someone has to tell you the truth).  Perhaps now, more will seek complete sources of news information that tell you what you need to hear and not just what Obama wants you to hear.  Follower, pull up your skirt, grab your balls and demonstrate some independent thought already!

Back to our beloved single mother.

The bank supports her deficit spending because they wish to control her household externally.  For her, this is fine because she wants to spend at all costs.  Slowly over time, the bank moves in taking control of one room at a time while allowing her to live in her house, but under their rules in the rooms they have seized.  Her children then fall under control of the bank as she falls further and further into debt.  Her household slowly falls into a sinking, economic failure.  Her neighbors debate to help, but become afraid of the risk.  They watch her lose her SOVEREIGNTY to debt.  The home she lives in increasingly falls under the control of her creditor whom has assumed the debt in order to weaken her economic independence.  To not assume her debt meant she would have been forced to curtail her spending.  Her fiscal prudence would have strengthened her household over time allowing her unlimited access to future economic growth and opportunity.  She was an ever-willing victim of economic sabotage.  Had she kept on track, though a modest lifestyle at first, she could have progressed.  In her spending binge, she not only lost control of everything, she lost her children to her debt as they will ultimately foot the bill because her spending made them wards of the bank while living under their own roof.  

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This was not a single Party effort.  Both Parties have designed an America that is owned and controlled by the interests of those whom we are fiscally and specially indebted.  American's individual economic freedom is being removed as citizens increasingly become wards of the special interest bank.  The dollars spent today represent the land's fleeting economic future, not today’s government losses.  Slowly, Americans are awakening to this nightmare, but they are caught blaming the other while ignoring the faults of their own.

Republicans blame Democrats and Democrats blame Republicans.  Interestingly, they say the EXACT SAME THINGS ABOUT EACH OTHER!  “How Republicans ruined the economy.”  “How Democrats have put their interests before the economic needs of the people.”  We can go on and on and in every phrase, accusation and claim, one could interchange the words Democrat and Republican.  They all however, culminate into this fill in the blank assertion against the other.  “_______ s hate America!”  Have you stopped to think both sides may be Correct?  Such a statement sounds extreme because of the rhetorical and largely inappropriate use of the word “hate.”  It is not that a given Party “hate”(s) America, it is that they are now so far removed from American civil objectives, they have now FORSAKEN  America.  Try this on for size.  “Democrats have forsaken America.”  Nice fit huh?  (Good thing this is not the OJ trail).  If we say that for Democrats, we can effectively establish the same for Republicans.  Their agenda items differ, but the fiscal tools to enable their agendas remain the same.  Spend more!  This is why both Parties have allowed the deficit spending to continue.

The fiscal problem is easily solvable.  Trouble is, we simply lack the QUALITY of elected class needed to solve it.  They solely wish to spend, just as our single mother has failed her children, the collective political class will fail their constituents.  We see this in the other while denying its existence in those whom we support.  If Ryan is wrong for seeking to cut Medicare, Obama is equally wrong.  If Bush was wrong for increasing the deficit spending (which the WHOLE WORLD agrees upon) Obama is MORE wrong for criticizing it in order to perpetuate the spending while further failing to pass budgets in order to retain spending structures existing since Bush’s final year.  You ain’t slick B.O., I know what you have been up to you naughty boy you! … wait, I said boy… was that racist of me?!  Idiots.

As this brings us to today, BOTH sides have presented debt ceiling increases backed by a plan that HAS YET TO BE DEVELOPED!  Foolish and yet some still back what is happening.  What they actually support is the economic thievery of their own offspring.  Those, whom have found voice to protest it, seem to be protesting based upon the inaccuracies presented by the side they support.  In short, they are protesting the very thing their side is doing, has done, has tried to do, or is planning to do.  The two sides are largely one in the same when it comes to spending.

The shopping list differs a bit, but they have committed themselves to spending.  America's future has already been spent, they are now working on Jr.’s and the III’s future.  I highly suggest that the blinders of party affiliation be removed until such a time that Liberal vs. Conservative values are truly at play.  Today, on this issue, that is simply not the case.  Cut the BS, wake up, self educate and start looking at this for what it actually is.  You cannot pull the party line on this one because pulling it makes you the problem, not the solution.

Ahhh.  I feel better now.