What the Democrats anticipate is major mid-term losses. Atonement for the lies and spending. Voter retribution for selling the American economy out to special interests, Modern Liberal agendas and the intent to Europeanize the world’s greatest nation.

The Wall Street Journal’s John Fund wrote in July, Democrat leaders are poised to lose the House and now realize their continued grip on the Senate is questionable at best.

When presidents come under too much fire, they appoint commissions. Like minded members from both parties to give the appearance that commission is “bi-partisan.” This bi-partisanship is as false as income levels of less than $250,000 not seeing new taxes under Obama. The commission is charged none the less with finding a way to cut a deficit now predicted to crest the $14 trillion mark. Their instructions from President Obama you ask? “Everything is on the table.” Such “enhancements of government revenue” could include acts of fiscal atrocities from entitlement cuts to the pillaging of retirement accounts. Last time everything was on the table in such a manner health care reform was forced upon the people by a government of which 60% objected to the program. Such concepts of governmental thievery should no longer be of surprise or dismissed as farfetched. (Read more).

Published August 17th, 2010 11:11 am MT on Examiner.

Everyone is feeling the squeeze of the recession.  Occupational fields that thrive based on consistent demand during all economic times are feeling it as well.  In particular, the health care industry is feeling the unrelenting brunt of the recession.  Though health care is in constant need, the impact is seen none the less.  Far fewer elective procedures are being conducted while increasing numbers of Americans are not seeking much needed medical care due to co-pays.  The impact as seen in the health care industry is that of consistently decreasing censuses of inpatient facilities which in turn cuts the hours for staff.  The concept is known as Patients Per Day, or PPD. (Read more).

Published August 12th, 2010 3:56 pm MT on Examiner.

You read it correctly.  Republican tax hikes loom on the horizon.

How can that be you ask?  It all depends on who you listen to tell the story.  You see, the Bush bashing strategy is again beginning to rear its head despite the proven failure of the tactic according to the polled American voter who no longer see Republicans and Bush as synonymous political entities. President Obama this week in Atlanta - "It'd be one thing if the Republicans had seen the error of their ways," he said. "But that's not what happened. It's not like they've engaged in some heavy reflection. They have not come up with a single, solitary, new idea to address the challenges of the American people. They don't have a single idea that's different from George Bush's ideas -- not one."

As the Bush tax cuts are due to expire, the forthcoming Democrat strategy is to label them as a “Republican Tax Hike” due to the fact the Republicans set the sunset date of 31 December 2010. (Read more).

Published August 6th, 2010 4:22 pm MT on Examiner.


It gets funny watching all of the early reports on the Arizona prelimanry injunction lawsuit against immigration enforcement.

If you notice who is and who is not celebrating, you will see something very interesting.

The protesters are celebrating the fact that they were told that local law enforcement agencies will not inquire about immigration status while in pursuit of other violations. What is not being stated is what is contained in the footnotes of the findings. (r

Published July 28th, 2010 11:04 pm MT on Examiner.

Anita MonCreif, an ACORN whistle blower has announced FEC charges are to be filed against the Obama Administration for 2008 campaign violations citing illegal coordination with  the controversial group ACORN. (Read more).

Published July 23rd, 2010 7:12 pm MT on Examiner.
From unlawful entry to the federal court room, today a Clinton appointed federal judge questioned aspects of both the federal government's lawsuit against Arizona and the law it opposes.

U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton dealt a devastating blow to the federal government early as she articulated her doubt in one of the federal government’s key claims; that the impact of the state law would usurp federal authority to set nationwide immigration policies. (Read more).

Published July 22nd, 2010 8:44 pm MT on Examiner.


According to Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, states have the authority to enforce immigration laws.  Michigan  is the lead state supporting Arizona's attempt to curb illegal immigration.

Joining Michigan in the now international fight on immigration enforcement is Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia, as well as the Northern Mariana Islands. (Read more).

Published July 20th, 2010 4:24 pm MT on Examiner.

Perhaps suing the state of Arizona was not such a good idea after all.  It would appear that Arizona voters have had enough and sent Obama's approval ratings plummeting so far south that even our porous border the president supports may be well out of reach.

In January of this year, President Obama’s Arizona approval rating was 40%. After waging a war of political gain against SB 1070, his scores have plummeted to 28%. The president’s strongest critics are those Republicans and Independents whom favor SB 1070, though the erosion of his job performance scores transcends all political and demographic groups in the state. (Read more).

Published July 19th, 2010 4:21 pm MT on Examiner.
A grassroots favorite, Michele Bachmann (R-MN) called upon Speaker Pelosie to support a House Tea party Caucus last week.  In her Tweet this morning it would appear that the Committee on House Administration has officially approved her request.

“The House Tea Party Caucus will serve as an informal group of members dedicated to promote Americans’ call for fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution and limited government,” Bachmann wrote. (Read more).

Published July 19th, 2010 1:09 pm MT on Examiner.
The discomfort grows.  The house in clearly in jeopardy.  Such quandaries are now being freely stated by Press secretary Robert Gibbs.

It is not hard to figure out why. Whether or a not a person is an Obama supporter, one thing is brutally clear; he has not listened to the people. The President has placed his agenda over that of the people whom have elected him.  (Read more).

  • July 12th, 2010 2:40 pm MT