By: Paul Johnson
Published on July 24th, 2010 @ 01:51:19 am , using 1224 words
Scottsdale Examiner

One of the things that have been crystal clear is that President Obama did not bring about a “Post Racial America.” If anything, we have debated more about whether or not Obama has ushered in a “New Racial America.” Many thought it was people being overly sensitive to the fact that Obama is black. Several have claimed it was by design to bring favor to political platforms which otherwise lack merit.

It did not take Obama’s census form where he declared himself “African-American” for voters to see him as black. It should not matter, but apparently it does. That much Obama knew when he designed his campaign. You see, the “Post Racial America” that never was, was never meant to be. Revealed earlier today, Obama’s campaign was designed to elicit race as an issue and bring it to the American forefront. Initially targeted were journalists. If they were white and Conservative they would be attacked and painted as racist and bigots for standing against Obama. This was highly effective and those on the Obama attack quickly backed off. His lack of experience, his history, and the fact that more was sealed on this man than available about him; all swept cleanly off the table. He was given pardon because he was black. Unfortunately, as it would turn out, this tactic was so effective it persists in the Obama Administration to this day. (Read more).

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